Latest Episodes

June 01, 2020
06/01/20: Bob Johnson - Sheriff of Santa Rosa County
Sheriff Bob Johnson joins the show to discuss the high speed chase the resulted in the arrest of two individuals that have rap sheets...

June 01, 2020
06/01/20: Matt Gaetz - US Congressman Representing Florida's 1st Congressional District
Congressman Gaetz joins the show to discuss the shooting of George Floyd and the riots and looting that has since insued, the SpaceX flight...

May 29, 2020
05/29/20: Tim Wyrosdick - Superintendent of Santa Rosa County
Superintendent Wyrosdick joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss the CDC guidelines for when public schools are able to open back up, and Santa...

May 28, 2020
05/28/20: Mike Wood - Public Information Officer of the Pensacola Police Department
Officer Wood joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss a shots-fired call last night at Sanders Beach, Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) money, parking...

May 28, 2020
05/28/20: Janice Gilley - Escambia County Administrator
County Administrator Janice Gilley joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss Escambia County's updated plan for hurricane season, the UWF testing facility for antibodies...

May 27, 2020
05/27/20: Grover Robinson - Mayor of Pensacola
Mayor Robinson joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss the issue of parking in downtown Pensacola and his desire to get it away from...