Latest Episodes

July 07, 2020
07/07/20 - Samantha Abell - City Manager of Gulf Breeze
Samantha Abell joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss Gulf Breeze City Council's decision to extend the mask ordinance in Gulf Breeze, which mandates...

July 07, 2020
07/07/20 - Chip Simmons - Chief Deputy of the Escambia County Sheriff's Office
Chief Simmons joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss an incident-free 4th of July, a string of car burglaries throughout Escambia County, and the...

July 06, 2020
07/06/20 - Bob Johnson - Sheriff of Santa Rosa County
Sheriff Johnson joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss a successful 4th of July weekend, two positive cases of COVID-19 out of 600 inmates...

June 29, 2020
06/29/20: Jewel Cannada-Wynn - President of the Pensacola City Council and City Councilwoman District 7
City Councilwoman of Pensacola's 7th District, Jewel Cannada-Wynn joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss her upcoming retirement from City Council next year.

June 26, 2020
06/26/20: Rick Scott - US Senator (R-FL)
Senator Scott joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss the police reform bill thwarted by House Democrats, the NDAA, Marco Rubio sponsoring a bill...

June 26, 2020
06/26/20: Lt. Commander Tyler Davies - Former Blue Angels Pilot
Lt. Commander Davies joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss his retirement from the US Navy after 20 years of service. He served with...