Show Notes
Interview with Lisa Newell / Gaston Glock - Inventor of "Glock" firearm passes away / Frivolous Topic: Book you are ashamed you haven't read / Jesus missing from Christmas movies
Interview with Lisa Newell / Gaston Glock - Inventor of "Glock" firearm passes away / Frivolous Topic: Book you are ashamed you haven't read / Jesus missing from Christmas movies
October 18, 2024
March 11, 2024
Jimmy Kimmel hosts the Oscars / Transgender broadcaster reports J.K. Rowling to police over social media comments / Interview with Michelle Salzman
December 07, 2021
Permit applications and fees, document shredding/digitizing, A&P School with PSC, Pea Ridge connector, panhandle trail bike lane, Oriole Beach boat launch improvements $107K v...