Show Notes
Gannett Files Response Lawsuit - Anti-SLAPP Law / Bergosh vs. PNJ / Frivolous Topic: Do you face the water in the shower or do you stand with your back to the showerhead? / CFP: Possible Anti-Trust Violations
Gannett Files Response Lawsuit - Anti-SLAPP Law / Bergosh vs. PNJ / Frivolous Topic: Do you face the water in the shower or do you stand with your back to the showerhead? / CFP: Possible Anti-Trust Violations
July 17, 2020
Superintendent Thomas joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss Monday's deadline for parents to decide which option they would like to pick for their...
June 04, 2024
Escambia County Commission Forum / Cart return debate
April 12, 2024
Transgressors: NPR Hosts, The View's Views on Climate Change, and Scrabble for Wussies / Davis Allen Wood talks about going to the Master's /...