Show Notes
Inmate Dies in Custody after Standard Use of Force / Supreme Court Rules on Marsy's Law / Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Reimbursement
Inmate Dies in Custody after Standard Use of Force / Supreme Court Rules on Marsy's Law / Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Reimbursement
November 16, 2021
Andrew and Chip discuss the Blazer Academy and the importance of men in the lives of boys, promotions and awards at the Sheriff’s office,...
October 22, 2024
Andrew discusses the proposal to index the first $50,000 of homestead exemption to the inflation rate, but not to change the portion that relates...
September 22, 2022
shift changes at Escambia County, Public Works, EMS debt, ECAT grant, 3 new busses for Escambia County, plans for OLF8, homeless camps