Show Notes
Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor on Face the Nation / Comments by Benjamin Netanyahu on IDF Strikes and Civilian Casualties / Frivolous topic: "What was your favorite Friends episode?" / Argos vs. Valdosta Recap
Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor on Face the Nation / Comments by Benjamin Netanyahu on IDF Strikes and Civilian Casualties / Frivolous topic: "What was your favorite Friends episode?" / Argos vs. Valdosta Recap
November 30, 2023
Escambia County Commissioner Possibly Violates Sunshine Law / Redistricting and Political Opposition / Interview with Mayor D.C. Reeves (Replay) / Kraft Plant-Based Mac &...
December 06, 2022
Anniversary of NAS Terrorist attack. Sheriff was on scene, incident at hotel on hwy 29 w someone attacking a cab driver, crime is down...
August 22, 2023
The Days of Our Pensacola – city council melodrama theatre: Joe Wade speaks at council last Thursday, bike riding vs drivers, active transportation plan;...