10/20/20 - Julie Garrett - Spokesperson from the Small Business Administration

10/20/20 - Julie Garrett - Spokesperson from the Small Business Administration
Pensacola Morning News
10/20/20 - Julie Garrett - Spokesperson from the Small Business Administration

Oct 20 2020 | 00:07:20

Episode 0 October 20, 2020 00:07:20

Show Notes

By their own admission, the Small Business Administration has the wrong name, and a lot of people don't realize what they might be eligible for in terms of financial assistance post-hurricane. In this case, SBA spokesperson Julie Garrett took some time with Andrew McKay this morning to explain the various loans people might be eligible for through SBA. These include up to $40,000 for renters on their possessions, up to $200,000 for homeowners, including things like fences that may not ordinarily be covered by insurance. These loans are extremely low interest (1.19%) over 30 years and are designed to bridge coverage gaps such as paying for deductibles on insurance. These programs are also designed to cover you if you were uninsured or had the wrong kind of insurance, and loans under $25,000 do not require collateral. There are also loans for businesses damaged by the storm, including those suffering economic injury from the Three Mile Bridge being damaged such as businesses in Gulf Breeze. SBA has already approved loans totaling $9.1 million for Florida related to Sally. For more information: --Visit the center open in Pensacola at 3208 E Gonzalez 7 days a week --Call 800 659-2955 --Go online to disasterloan.sba.gov 

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