Show Notes
Alex Andrade panhandling ordinance, public charter school, ticketmaster legislation; Frivolous Topic do you still have a stuffed animal and would you bring it to work?
Alex Andrade panhandling ordinance, public charter school, ticketmaster legislation; Frivolous Topic do you still have a stuffed animal and would you bring it to work?
February 23, 2024
HB1 and HB3: Free market vs risk of harm to minors / Interview with Lou Ferrigno (replay) / Truth Social public IPO / Chicago...
October 18, 2023
Blacklisting in Hiring Process at Law Firm / Cancellation is the Problem / Pensacola City Council Code Enforcement
December 28, 2023
Lack of women working for sanitation and other departments in Pensacola / Interview with Mayor D.C. Reeves (Replay)