Show Notes
TS Idalia Sheriff Bob Johnson joins the show to discuss: hurricane prep; Frivlous Topic: best way to watch a movie at home - streaming, DVR, DVD, VCR ?
TS Idalia Sheriff Bob Johnson joins the show to discuss: hurricane prep; Frivlous Topic: best way to watch a movie at home - streaming, DVR, DVD, VCR ?
November 01, 2024
STEM Day with the Blue Angels / Spatial Disorientation / Interview with Mike Wood PPD (replay) / 60 Minutes Lawsuit
March 08, 2021
Interstate search for a couple kids. Shooting on Friday night in Gulf Breeze. Break-in home invasion.
June 23, 2023
Dave Greenwood – water safety chief for Escambia County – yellow flags for now, today: thunderstorms – wind from west south west – 22...