Show Notes
Senator Broxson joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss the news that the Three-Mile Bridge will not be open on-time due to reported structural damage to one of the trophies of the bridge, which is a key part to the bridge.
Senator Broxson joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss the news that the Three-Mile Bridge will not be open on-time due to reported structural damage to one of the trophies of the bridge, which is a key part to the bridge.
May 02, 2024
Santa Rosa County referendum for local option sales tax / Interview with Pensacola Police Department Public Information Officer Mike Wood
June 16, 2021
Caleb Houston joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss how his homeless shelter is going, how he’s moving forward after over $10,000 of supplies...
May 07, 2020
Janice Gilley, Administrator of Escambia County, joins the show to discuss the fire off of Hurst Hammock Road, the union contract with the EMTs...