Show Notes
Term Limits Bill / HB1 and HB3 / Legislation introduced prohibiting gifts from foreign lobbyists to local officials / Old bill removed that circumvents 2nd amendment during states of emergency / Bridge renaming to honor fallen NAS Airman
Term Limits Bill / HB1 and HB3 / Legislation introduced prohibiting gifts from foreign lobbyists to local officials / Old bill removed that circumvents 2nd amendment during states of emergency / Bridge renaming to honor fallen NAS Airman
March 24, 2023
Blake Doyle Skate Park – groundbreaking and progress, Sweet Sixteen brackets, Mike Wood – PIO for Pensacola Police Department talks about toddler almost drowning...
September 11, 2020
Commissioner Bender joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss upgrades to Pensacola Beach, and the ongoing road constructions of Olive Road, 9-Mile Road, and...
November 16, 2020
Superintendent Thomas joins the Pensacola Morning News to discuss his final day as the Superintendent of Escambia County schools as he official retires at...